benefits of owning fully managed farmland today!

Unlock Your Green Fortune: 7 Surprising Benefits of Owning Fully Managed Farmland Today!

Are you ready to dig into a golden opportunity that’s been hiding right under your feet? Imagine owning a slice of nature’s bounty without getting your hands dirty. That’s right, we’re talking about fully managed farmland ownership – a game-changer in the world of smart investments. In this article, we’ll unearth the secrets of this green goldmine and show you why now is the perfect time to plant your financial seeds. So, grab your virtual shovel, and let’s start cultivating your future!

Benefits of Owning Fully Managed Farmland Today!

Picture this: rolling fields of lush crops, the sun kissing the earth, and the sweet smell of success in the air. Now, imagine all of this working for you while you sit back and watch your investment grow. Sounds too good to be true? Well, buckle up, because we’re about to take you on a journey through the fertile world of fully managed farmland ownership.

In recent years, savvy investors have been turning their attention to this often-overlooked asset class. Why? Because it offers a unique blend of stability, growth potential, and feel-good factor that’s hard to find elsewhere. But before we dive into the juicy details, let’s address some burning questions you might have.

What exactly is fully managed farmland ownership?

Fully managed farmland ownership is like having your cake and eating it too. You get to own a piece of productive agricultural land without the hassle of day-to-day operations. Professional farm managers take care of everything from planting to harvesting, while you reap the benefits. It’s farming made easy for the modern investor!

Why should I consider investing in farmland now?

The timing couldn’t be better! With global population growth and increasing food demand, farmland is becoming a hot commodity. According to the USDA, U.S. farmland values have shown steady growth, increasing by an average of 6.8% annually from 2000 to 2020. That’s some serious green!

What are the benefits of owning fully managed farmland?

Let’s dig into the 7 juicy benefits that make fully managed farmland a must-have in your investment portfolio:

a) Stable Returns: Farmland has historically provided steady returns, outperforming many traditional investments. Over the past 47 years, U.S. farmland has delivered an average annual return of 10.27%, according to the NCREIF Farmland Index.

b) Inflation Hedge: As food prices rise, so does the value of farmland. It’s like having a natural shield against the eroding effects of inflation.

c) Portfolio Diversification: Adding farmland to your investment mix can help spread risk and potentially boost overall returns.

d) Passive Income: With professional management, you can earn income from crop yields or land leases without lifting a finger.

e) Tangible Asset: Unlike stocks or bonds, farmland is a real, touchable asset. You can visit your investment and even have a picnic on it if you like!

f) Environmental Impact: By investing in sustainable farming practices, you’re contributing to a healthier planet. It’s good for your wallet and your conscience.

g) Legacy Building: Farmland can be passed down through generations, creating a lasting family legacy.

How do I get started with fully managed farmland ownership?

Getting started is easier than you might think. Here’s a quick step-by-step guide:

  1. Research reputable farmland investment companies
  2. Choose a platform or company that aligns with your goals
  3. Decide on your investment amount
  4. Select the type of farmland you want to invest in (e.g., row crops, permanent crops)
  5. Complete the necessary paperwork
  6. Sit back and watch your investment grow!
  7. What are the risks involved?

Like any investment, farmland comes with its own set of risks. These can include:

  • Weather-related crop losses
  • Market price fluctuations
  • Changes in agricultural policies
  • Potential for environmental issues

However, professional management teams work to mitigate these risks through diversification, insurance, and expert decision-making.

How liquid is a farmland investment?

While farmland is generally considered a long-term investment, many platforms now offer increased liquidity options. Some allow you to sell your shares on secondary markets, while others have built-in exit strategies. It’s important to understand the liquidity terms before investing.

Can I visit my farmland?

Absolutely! Many farmland investment companies organize annual or bi-annual farm tours for investors. It’s a great opportunity to see your investment up close and personal, and maybe even taste the fruits of your labor!


Owning fully managed farmland is more than just an investment – it’s a chance to be part of something bigger. You’re not just growing wealth; you’re nurturing the land, supporting sustainable agriculture, and playing a role in feeding the world. As we face global challenges like climate change and food security, farmland investment offers a unique opportunity to make a positive impact while potentially securing your financial future.

So, are you ready to plant the seeds of your green fortune? Remember, the best time to invest was yesterday, but the second-best time is now. Don’t let this fertile opportunity slip through your fingers. Start exploring fully managed farmland ownership today and watch your investment take root and flourish!